Re: Fwd: Need NVME QUIRK BOGUS for SAMSUNG MZ1WV480HCGL-000MV (Samsung SM-953 Datacenter SSD)
From: August Wikerfors
Date: Sun Jul 16 2023 - 15:25:12 EST
On 2023-07-11 08:54, Pankaj Raghav wrote:
Another request came in today, even with a pseudo-patch:
To quote:
As with numerous NVMe controllers these days, Samsung's
MZAL41T0HBLB-00BL2, which Lenovo builds into their 16ARP8 also suffers
from invalid IDs, breaking suspend and hibernate also on the latest
kernel 6.4.2.
The following change restores this functionality:
File: root/drivers/nvme/host/pci.c
- { PCI_DEVICE(0x144d, 0xa80b), /* Samsung PM9B1 256G and 512G */
+ { PCI_DEVICE(0x144d, 0xa80b), /* Samsung PM9B1 256G, 512G and 1TB */
+ .driver_data = NVME_QUIRK_BOGUS_NID |
Panjaj, okay with this one too?
This looks a like a new device that might have a firmware update. I will ping
internally first.
(Note that this is a different issue from the regression in this thread)
I reported this back in November [1] and was told by Kanchan Joshi at
Samsung that it was fixed in new firmware [2]. Lenovo was also contacted
and said they were working on the update in December [3]. I'm not sure
what happened then, but in March, Mark Pearson at Lenovo wrote [4]:
I'm stuck on this one - the FW team reached out to Samsung to see if
there were fixes that we should be picking up and Samsung reported back
that there are no Linux issues reported against this part :(
The release process then seems to have started over [5] and the latest
update as of May is that the update is supposed to be released this month.