Re: [PATCH v2] Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key
From: Paul Menzel
Date: Tue Jul 18 2023 - 01:41:09 EST
Dear Chun-Yi,
Thank you for your patch.
Am 18.07.23 um 05:43 schrieb Lee, Chun-Yi <joeyli.kernel@xxxxxxxxx>:
Signed-off-by: "Lee, Chun-Yi" <jlee@xxxxxxxx>
As also reports, please make sure the author and
Signed-off-by entry match.
$ git config --global "Chun-Yi Lee"
$ git commit --amend --author="Chun-Yi Lee <jlee@xxxxxxxx>" -s
(It’s also common to write the name in the order, so no comma is needed.)
`git format-patch` should not generate a patch with a dedicated `From:`
at the beginning, so you can send it from a different email account. (No
idea, why upstream Linux kernel development shouldn’t work with your
SUSE address.)
Kind regards,