Re: [PATCH RFC net-next v4 6/9] iavf: switch to Page Pool
From: Alexander Lobakin
Date: Tue Jul 18 2023 - 10:01:40 EST
From: Yunsheng Lin <linyunsheng@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:47:14 +0800
> On 2023/7/10 21:34, Alexander Lobakin wrote:
>> From: Yunsheng Lin <yunshenglin0825@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 13:16:39 +0800
>>> On 2023/7/7 0:38, Alexander Lobakin wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>> @@ -766,13 +742,19 @@ void iavf_free_rx_resources(struct iavf_ring *rx_ring)
>>>>>> **/
>>>>>> int iavf_setup_rx_descriptors(struct iavf_ring *rx_ring)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> - struct device *dev = rx_ring->dev;
>>>>>> - int bi_size;
>>>>>> + struct page_pool *pool;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> + pool = libie_rx_page_pool_create(&rx_ring->q_vector->napi,
>>>>>> + rx_ring->count);
>>>>> If a page is able to be spilt between more than one desc, perhaps the
>>>>> prt_ring size does not need to be as big as rx_ring->count.
>>>> But we doesn't know in advance, right? Esp. given that it's hidden in
>>>> the lib. But anyway, you can only assume that in regular cases if you
>>>> always allocate frags of the same size, PP will split pages when 2+
>>>> frags can fit there or return the whole page otherwise, but who knows
>>>> what might happen.
>>> It seems intel driver is able to know the size of memory it needs when
>>> creating the ring/queue/napi/pp, maybe the driver only tell the libie
>>> how many descs does it use for queue, and libie can adjust it accordingly?
>> But libie can't say for sure how PP will split pages for it, right?
>>>> BTW, with recent recycling optimization, most of recycling is done
>>>> directly through cache, not ptr_ring. So I'd even say it's safe to start
>>>> creating smaller ptr_rings in the drivers.
>>> The problem is that we may use more memory than before for certain case
>>> if we don't limit the size of ptr_ring, unless we can ensure all of
>>> recycling is done directly through cache, not ptr_ring.
>> Also not sure I'm following =\
> Before adding page pool support, the max memory used in the driver is as
> below:
> rx_ring->count * PAGE_SIZE;
> After adding page pool support, the max memory used in the driver is as
> below:
> ptr_ring->size * PAGE_SIZE +
> rx_ring->count * PAGE_SIZE / pp.init_arg
I know. I was wondering how your message connects with what I said
regarding that using direct recycling more aggressively allows us to
reduce ptr_ring sizes, as e.g. on my setup ptr_ring is not used at all
(it still will be in other cases, but a lot less often than before).
>> [...]
>> Thanks,
>> Olek
>> .