Re: [PATCH v2 06/12] rust: init: add `..Zeroable::zeroed()` syntax for zeroing all missing fields
From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Thu Jul 20 2023 - 09:25:55 EST
Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Add the struct update syntax to the init macros, but only for
> `..Zeroable::zeroed()`. Adding this at the end of the struct initializer
> allows one to omit fields from the initializer, these fields will be
> initialized with 0x00 set to every byte. Only types that implement the
> `Zeroable` trait can utilize this.
> Suggested-by: Asahi Lina <lina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> + (make_initializer:
> + @slot($slot:ident),
> + @type_name($t:ident),
> + @munch_fields(..Zeroable::zeroed() $(,)?),
> + @acc($($acc:tt)*),
> + ) => {
> + // Endpoint, nothing more to munch, create the initializer. Since the users specified
> + // `..Zeroable::zeroed()`, the slot will already have been zeroed and all field that have
> + // not been overwritten are thus zero and initialized. We still check that all fields are
> + // actually accessible by using the struct update syntax ourselves.
> + // Since we are in the `if false` branch, this will never get executed. We abuse `slot` to
> + // get the correct type inference here:
Didn't you just change it to a closure rather than an `if else`?
Regardless, I'm happy with this change.