Re: [PATCH v1 5/6] objtool: Add skipped member in struct reloc

From: Tiezhu Yang
Date: Thu Aug 03 2023 - 07:36:35 EST

On 07/25/2023 07:59 PM, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 04:15:09PM +0800, Tiezhu Yang wrote:
There exist multiple relocation types in one location, such as a pair of
R_LARCH_ADD32 and R_LARCH_SUB32 in section .rela.discard.unreachable and
.rela.discard.reachable on LoongArch.

Here is an example:

$ readelf -rW init/main.o

Relocation section '.rela.discard.unreachable' at offset 0x3e20 contains 2 entries:
Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name + Addend
0000000000000000 0000000a00000032 R_LARCH_ADD32 0000000000000000 .init.text + 230
0000000000000000 0000001a00000037 R_LARCH_SUB32 0000000000000000 L0^A + 0

Please explain; why is this?

How does:

#define __annotate_unreachable(c) ({ \
asm volatile(__stringify_label(c) ":\n\t" \
".pushsection .discard.unreachable\n\t" \
".long " __stringify_label(c) "b - .\n\t" \
".popsection\n\t" : : "i" (c)); \
#define annotate_unreachable() __annotate_unreachable(__COUNTER__)

Manage to generate this..

Sorry for the late reply, let me try to explain it.

R_LARCH_ADD32 relocation type is 32-bit label addition,
R_LARCH_SUB32 relocation type is 32-bit label subtraction,
they are intended for local labels, the label difference
will be calculated as a constant before linking, preserve
a pair of R_LARCH_ADD32 and R_LARCH_SUB32 to fix the label

Here is a simple example:
// do something

.word .L0 - .L1

NewDiff = 0
NewDiff = NewDiff + .L0_Addr
NewDiff = NewDiff - .L1_Addr

I discussed offline with the engineers who are familiar with gnu
assembler of LoongArch, maybe it can modify the gnu assembler
to use R_LARCH_32_PCREL to replace a pair of R_LARCH_ADD32 and
R_LARCH_SUB32, then I will test it again and drop this change if

Here is LoongArch ELF Relocations spec:

32-bit in-place addition
*(int32_t *) PC += S + A

32-bit in-place subtraction
*(int32_t *) PC -= S + A

32-bit PC relative
(*(uint32_t *) PC) = (S+A-PC) [31 ... 0]

Thanks very much for your review comments, it is helpful to
make progress in the right direction.
