Re: [PATCH v10 3/3] ublk: enable zoned storage support

From: Andreas Hindborg (Samsung)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2023 - 06:13:08 EST

Johannes Thumshirn <Johannes.Thumshirn@xxxxxxx> writes:

> On 03.08.23 16:09, Andreas Hindborg (Samsung) wrote:
>> + buf = __vmalloc(bufsize, GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_NORETRY);
> Missing #include <linux/vmalloc.h> so the bot doesn't complain.

Thanks, gotta add that so code compiles for Sega Dreamcast!

> But while we're at it, why can't you just use kvmalloc() here?

I don't see why not. It should be better for small reports I guess. I will change it.

BR Andreas