Re: [PATCH 1/2] arm64/sysreg: Move TRFCR definitions to sysreg

From: Mark Brown
Date: Fri Aug 04 2023 - 08:10:24 EST

On Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 09:52:16AM +0100, James Clark wrote:

> TRFCR_EL2_CX needs to become TRFCR_ELx_CX to avoid unnecessary
> duplication and make the SysregFields block re-usable.

That field is only present in the EL2 version. I would tend to leave
the registers split for that reason, there's some minor potential for
confusion if people refer to the sysreg file rather than the docs, or
potentially confuse some future automation. However that's not a super
strongly held opinion.

Otherwise this checks out against DDI0601 2023-06:

Reviewed-by: Mark Brown <broonie@xxxxxxxxxx>

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