Re: [PATCH v2 1/1] iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Fix error case of range command

From: Robin Murphy
Date: Mon Aug 07 2023 - 15:21:11 EST

On 2023-08-06 06:28, zhurui wrote:
On 2023/8/5 2:30, Nicolin Chen wrote:
On Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 05:52:25PM +0100, Will Deacon wrote:
On Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 05:31:20PM +0800, zhurui wrote:
When tg != 0 but ttl, scale, num all 0 in a range tlbi command, it
is reserved and will cause the CERROR_ILL error. This case means
that the size to be invalidated is only one page size, and the
range invalidation is meaningless here. So we set tg to 0 in this
case to do an non-range invalidation instead.

@@ -1930,6 +1927,12 @@ static void __arm_smmu_tlb_inv_range(struct arm_smmu_cmdq_ent *cmd,
num = (num_pages >> scale) & CMDQ_TLBI_RANGE_NUM_MAX;
cmd->tlbi.num = num - 1;

+ /* Prevent error caused by one page tlbi with leaf 0 */
+ if (scale == 0 && num == 1 && cmd->tlbi.leaf == 0)
+ cmd-> = 0;

This should only be true for the last iteration, right (i.e. when num_pages
== 1)? In which case, I'd prefer to leave the old code as-is and just add:

/* Single-page leaf invalidation requires a TG field of 0 */
if (num_pages == 1 && !cmd->tlbi.leaf)
cmd-> = 0;To Will and Nicolin,

Not only the last iteration, it's the result of __ffs function. For example, if
numpages is 33, then the value of __ffs(num_pages) is 0, so the value of scale
is also 0. The value of num depends on CMDQ_TLBI_RANGE_NUM_MAX. That is, the
maximum value of num is 31. Therefore, the final value of num is 1.
So, if consider CMDQ_TLBI_RANGE_NUM_MAX, there will be some case not the last
one page but the beginning pages. That's why I use scale and num as conditions,
not num_pages. Then I should reassign tg based on the result.

Yeah, I'd rather not downgrade to a non-range invalidate since that complicates the reasoning for the errata affecting those. If the size of the invalidation is equal to TG then it can only represent a single last-level page, i.e. TTL=3, thus if it does warrant handling here then indeed rearranging to base the condition on num_pages as well ought to suffice. However, this is all still begging the question of where and why we're doing a *non-leaf* invalidation that isn't aligned to the size of a table, because that in itself doesn't make a whole heap of sense - my hunch is that that wants figuring out and could probably be fixed at the source.


Is "!cmd->tlbi.leaf" to be "leaf" or "non-leaf"?

IIUIC, this "num_pages == 1" implies "NUM == 0, SCALE == 0" while
the "!cmd->tlbi.leaf" implies "TTL = 0b00", which in combination
would result in a CERROR_ILL mentioned by the spec?

I feel this could be more clear by just checking the three fields
following the spec...>

Yes, based on spec for ARM IHI 0070, after the TLL and TG table, there is a
description for TG != 0b00, and you can check it in the last point.
