N2 r0p3 doesn't require the workaround [1], so gating on (#slots - 5) no
longer works because all N2s have 5 slots. Use the new expression
builtin that allows calling strcmp_cpuid_str() and comparing CPUIDs in
metric formulas.
In this case, the commented formula looks like this:
strcmp_cpuid_str(0x410fd493) # greater than or equal to N2 r0p3
| strcmp_cpuid_str(0x410fd490) ^ 1 # OR NOT any version of N2
[1]:https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gitlab.arm.com/telemetry-solution/telemetry-solution/-/blob/main/data/pmu/cpu/neoverse/neoverse-n2-r0p3.json__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!JvpXOAN-7zsKcA750zS-vMlcJKvvIZ_H9zg6jitWJRMitlFGDrx8bXoMrhdK5ubhO8CtXObRFx7bDYM2R5Feqg$ Signed-off-by: James Clark<james.clark@xxxxxxx>