Re: [PATCH 1/2] rust: arc: add explicit `drop()` around `Box::from_raw()`

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Wed Aug 23 2023 - 22:29:42 EST

On 8/23/23 13:02, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
`Box::from_raw()` is `#[must_use]`, which means the result cannot
go unused.

In Rust 1.71.0, this was not detected because the block expression
swallows the diagnostic [1]:

unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()) };

It would have been detected, however, if the line had been instead:

unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()); }

i.e. the semicolon being inside the `unsafe` block, rather than

In Rust 1.72.0, the compiler started warning about this [2], so
without this patch we will get:

error: unused return value of `alloc::boxed::Box::<T>::from_raw` that must be used
--> rust/kernel/sync/
302 | unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: call `drop(Box::from_raw(ptr))` if you intend to drop the `Box`
= note: `-D unused-must-use` implied by `-D warnings`
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
302 | unsafe { let _ = Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()); };
| +++++++ +

Thus add an add an explicit `drop()` as the `#[must_use]`'s
annotation suggests (instead of the more general help line).

Link: [1]
Link: [2]
Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo <yakoyoku@xxxxxxxxx>