Re: [PATCH 2/2] interconnect: qcom: Add SDX75 interconnect provider driver

From: Rohit Agarwal
Date: Tue Sep 05 2023 - 12:25:56 EST

On 9/5/2023 12:32 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 05/09/2023 06:59, Rohit Agarwal wrote:
Add driver for the Qualcomm interconnect buses found in SDX75.

Signed-off-by: Rohit Agarwal <quic_rohiagar@xxxxxxxxxxx>

+static struct qcom_icc_bcm *system_noc_bcms[] = {
Please do not copy your code from downstream, but work on upstream. We
changed this long time ago, so you clearly used some old or obsolete
file as template.
Sure will check the sm8550 as template and work on it again.
Thank you for your time.

+ &bcm_ce0,
+ &bcm_cn0,
+ &bcm_sn0,
+ &bcm_sn1,
+ &bcm_sn2,
+static struct qcom_icc_node *system_noc_nodes[] = {
+ [MASTER_AUDIO] = &qhm_audio,
+ [MASTER_GIC_AHB] = &qhm_gic,
+ [MASTER_PCIE_RSCC] = &qhm_pcie_rscc,
+ [MASTER_QDSS_BAM] = &qhm_qdss_bam,
+ [MASTER_QPIC] = &qhm_qpic,
+ [MASTER_QUP_0] = &qhm_qup0,
+ [MASTER_ANOC_SNOC] = &qnm_aggre_noc,
+ [MASTER_GEM_NOC_CNOC] = &qnm_gemnoc_cnoc,
+ [MASTER_GEM_NOC_PCIE_SNOC] = &qnm_gemnoc_pcie,
+ [MASTER_SNOC_CFG] = &qnm_system_noc_cfg,
+ [MASTER_PCIE_ANOC_CFG] = &qnm_system_noc_pcie_cfg,
+ [MASTER_CRYPTO] = &qxm_crypto,
+ [MASTER_IPA] = &qxm_ipa,
+ [MASTER_MVMSS] = &qxm_mvmss,
+ [MASTER_EMAC_0] = &xm_emac_0,
+ [MASTER_EMAC_1] = &xm_emac_1,
+ [MASTER_QDSS_ETR] = &xm_qdss_etr0,
+ [MASTER_QDSS_ETR_1] = &xm_qdss_etr1,
+ [MASTER_SDCC_1] = &xm_sdc1,
+ [MASTER_SDCC_4] = &xm_sdc4,
+ [MASTER_USB3_0] = &xm_usb3,
+ [SLAVE_ETH0_CFG] = &ps_eth0_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_ETH1_CFG] = &ps_eth1_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_AUDIO] = &qhs_audio,
+ [SLAVE_CLK_CTL] = &qhs_clk_ctl,
+ [SLAVE_CRYPTO_0_CFG] = &qhs_crypto_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_IMEM_CFG] = &qhs_imem_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_IPA_CFG] = &qhs_ipa,
+ [SLAVE_IPC_ROUTER_CFG] = &qhs_ipc_router,
+ [SLAVE_CNOC_MSS] = &qhs_mss_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_ICBDI_MVMSS_CFG] = &qhs_mvmss_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_0_CFG] = &qhs_pcie0_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_1_CFG] = &qhs_pcie1_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_2_CFG] = &qhs_pcie2_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_RSC_CFG] = &qhs_pcie_rscc,
+ [SLAVE_PDM] = &qhs_pdm,
+ [SLAVE_PRNG] = &qhs_prng,
+ [SLAVE_QDSS_CFG] = &qhs_qdss_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_QPIC] = &qhs_qpic,
+ [SLAVE_QUP_0] = &qhs_qup0,
+ [SLAVE_SDCC_1] = &qhs_sdc1,
+ [SLAVE_SDCC_4] = &qhs_sdc4,
+ [SLAVE_SPMI_VGI_COEX] = &qhs_spmi_vgi_coex,
+ [SLAVE_TCSR] = &qhs_tcsr,
+ [SLAVE_TLMM] = &qhs_tlmm,
+ [SLAVE_USB3] = &qhs_usb3,
+ [SLAVE_USB3_PHY_CFG] = &qhs_usb3_phy,
+ [SLAVE_A1NOC_CFG] = &qns_a1noc,
+ [SLAVE_DDRSS_CFG] = &qns_ddrss_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_SNOC_GEM_NOC_SF] = &qns_gemnoc_sf,
+ [SLAVE_SNOC_CFG] = &qns_system_noc_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_ANOC_CFG] = &qns_system_noc_pcie_cfg,
+ [SLAVE_IMEM] = &qxs_imem,
+ [SLAVE_SERVICE_PCIE_ANOC] = &srvc_pcie_system_noc,
+ [SLAVE_SERVICE_SNOC] = &srvc_system_noc,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_0] = &xs_pcie_0,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_1] = &xs_pcie_1,
+ [SLAVE_PCIE_2] = &xs_pcie_2,
+ [SLAVE_QDSS_STM] = &xs_qdss_stm,
+ [SLAVE_TCU] = &xs_sys_tcu_cfg,
+static struct qcom_icc_desc sdx75_system_noc = {
Come on... we fixed it.

There could be more issues because you used old file as template. Start
from scratch from new file.

Best regards,