Re: [RFC PATCH 0/7] sched: cpufreq: Remove magic margins

From: Lukasz Luba
Date: Tue Sep 12 2023 - 07:57:06 EST

Hi Daniel,

On 9/8/23 13:51, Daniel Bristot de Oliveira wrote:
On 9/7/23 15:45, Lukasz Luba wrote:
RT literatur mostly methinks. Replacing WCET with a statistical model of
sorts is not uncommon, the argument goes that not everybody will have
their worst case at the same time and lows and highs can commonly cancel
out and this way we can cram a little more on the system.

Typically this is proposed in the context of soft-realtime systems.

Thanks Peter, I will dive into some books...

I would look at academic papers, not sure any of that ever made it to
books, Daniel would know I suppose.

Good hint, thanks!

The key-words that came to my mind are:

- mk-firm, where you accept m tasks will make their deadline
every k execution - like, because you run too long.
- mixed criticality with pWCET (probabilistic execution time) or
average execution time + an sporadic tail execution time for
the low criticality part.

mk-firm smells like 2005's.. mixed criticality as 2015's..present.

You will probably find more papers than books. Read the papers
as a source for inspiration... not necessarily as a definitive
solution. They generally proposed too restrictive task models.

-- Daniel

Thanks for describing this context! That would save my time and avoid
maybe sinking in this unknown water. As you said I might tread that
as inspiration, since I don't fight with life-critical system,
but a phone which needs 'nice user experience' (hopefully there are
no people who disagree) ;)
