Re: [PATCH 2/2] arm64: dts: mediatek: add device-tree for Genio 700 EVK board

From: Macpaul Lin
Date: Wed Sep 13 2023 - 00:04:26 EST

On 9/12/23 22:32, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:

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On 12/09/2023 16:06, Macpaul Lin wrote:
Add basic device-tree for the Genio 700 EVK board. The
Genio 700 EVK is based on MediaTek MT8390 SoC.
MT8390 hardware register maps are identical to MT8188.

The Genio 700 EVK has following features:


+sdio_fixed_1v8: regulator-3 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "sdio_io";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+sdio_fixed_3v3: regulator-4 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "sdio_card";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+gpio = <&pio 74 0>;

Use proper defines.

Fixed remaining 3 defines of gpio value, will send v2.

+touch0_fixed_3v3: regulator-5 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "touch_3v3";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+gpio = <&pio 119 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+usb_hub_fixed_3v3: regulator-6 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "usb_hub_3v3";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+gpio = <&pio 112 0>; /* HUB_3V3_EN */
+startup-delay-us = <10000>;
+usb_hub_reset_1v8: regulator-7 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "usb_hub_reset";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+gpio = <&pio 7 0>; /* HUB_RESET */
+vin-supply = <&usb_hub_fixed_3v3>;
+usb_p0_vbus: regulator-8 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "usb_p0_vbus";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+gpio = <&pio 84 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+usb_p1_vbus: regulator-9 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "usb_p1_vbus";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+gpio = <&pio 87 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+usb_p2_vbus: regulator-10 {
+compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+regulator-name = "usb_p2_vbus";
+regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+&i2c0 {
+pinctrl-names = "default";
+pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
+clock-frequency = <400000>;
+status = "okay";
+touchscreen@5d {
+compatible = "goodix,gt9271";
+reg = <0x5d>;
+interrupt-parent = <&pio>;
+interrupts = <6 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
+irq-gpios = <&pio 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+reset-gpios = <&pio 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+AVDD28-supply = <&touch0_fixed_3v3>;
+VDDIO-supply = <&mt6359_vio18_ldo_reg>;
+pinctrl-names = "default";
+pinctrl-0 = <&touch_pins>;
+&i2c1 {
+pinctrl-names = "default";
+pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_pins>;
+clock-frequency = <400000>;
+status = "okay";
+&i2c2 {
+pinctrl-names = "default";
+pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
+clock-frequency = <400000>;
+status = "okay";
+&i2c3 {
+pinctrl-names = "default";
+pinctrl-0 = <&i2c3_pins>;
+clock-frequency = <400000>;
+status = "okay";
+&i2c4 {
+pinctrl-names = "default", "default";

Why do you need two default entries? This should be just one, shouldn't it?


Best regards,

Thanks for the review.

Best regards,
Macpaul Lin