Re: [PATCH v5 3/3] dt-binding: mediatek: add MediaTek mt8195 MDP3 components
From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Wed Sep 13 2023 - 04:58:46 EST
On 13/09/2023 10:39, Moudy Ho (何宗原) wrote:
>>> @@ -63,7 +64,6 @@ properties:
>>> required:
>>> - compatible
>>> - reg
>>> - - interrupts
>> Why? commit msg tells nothing about it. Why interrupt is not erquired
>> in
>> mt8173? How dropping such requirement is anyhow related to mt8195?
> The signals of the MDP engines are completely controlled by MTK's MUTEX
> for starting and stopping frame processing, eliminating the need for
> additional interrupts.
Then it does not look like related to this patch at all.
>>> reg:
>>> maxItems: 1
>>> @@ -50,17 +51,19 @@ properties:
>>> maxItems: 1
>>> clocks:
>>> - items:
>>> - - description: RDMA clock
>>> - - description: RSZ clock
>>> + oneOf:
>>> + - items:
>>> + - description: RDMA clock
>>> + - description: SRAM shared component clock
>>> + - items:
>>> + - description: RDMA clock
>> Why now mt8183 can have SRAM clock optional? How changing mt8183 is
>> related to this patch?
>> I'll finish the review, sorry fix basics here.
>> Best regards,
>> Krzysztof
> The RDMA of only the 8183 needed to share SRMA with other component due
> to the old desgin.
> I attempted to describe both the situation of the 8183 and new designs
> like the 8195, but it appears that this writing style may lead to
> misunderstandings.
> I am unsure if there are any ways to enhance it.
Just like many other bindings, just look at Qualcomm, use allOf to
restrict entries per variants.
Best regards,