Re: [PATCH v4 03/18] x86/sgx: Add sgx_epc_lru_lists to encapsulate LRU lists
From: Huang, Kai
Date: Thu Sep 14 2023 - 06:33:12 EST
Some non-technical staff:
On Tue, 2023-09-12 at 21:06 -0700, Haitao Huang wrote:
> From: Kristen Carlson Accardi <kristen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The patch was from Kristen, but ...
> Introduce a data structure to wrap the existing reclaimable list and its
> spinlock. Each cgroup later will have one instance of this structure to
> track EPC pages allocated for processes associated with the same cgroup.
> Just like the global SGX reclaimer (ksgxd), an EPC cgroup reclaims pages
> from the reclaimable list in this structure when its usage reaches near
> its limit.
> Currently, ksgxd does not track the VA, SECS pages. They are considered
> as 'unreclaimable' pages that are only deallocated when their respective
> owning enclaves are destroyed and all associated resources released.
> When an EPC cgroup can not reclaim any more reclaimable EPC pages to
> reduce its usage below its limit, the cgroup must also reclaim those
> unreclaimables by killing their owning enclaves. The VA and SECS pages
> later are also tracked in an 'unreclaimable' list added to this structure
> to support this OOM killing of enclaves.
> Signed-off-by: Sean Christopherson <sean.j.christopherson@xxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Kristen Carlson Accardi <kristen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
... it was firstly signed by Sean and then Kristen, which doesn't sound right.
If the patch was from Kristen, then either Sean's SoB should come after
Kristen's (which means Sean took Kristen's patch and signed it), or you need to
have a Co-developed-by tag for Sean right before his SoB (which indicates Sean
participated in the development of the patch but likely he wasn't the main
But I _guess_ the patch was just from Sean.
> Signed-off-by: Haitao Huang <haitao.huang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Sean Christopherson <seanjc@xxxxxxxxxx>
You don't need 'Cc:' Sean if the patch has Sean's SoB.
More information please refer to "When to use Acked-by:, Cc:, and Co-developed-
by" section here:
Also an explanation of when to use 'Cc:' from Sean (ignore technical staff):
(And please check other patches too.)