Re: [PATCH 01/11] MIPS: compressed: Use correct instruction for 64 bit code

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Date: Thu Oct 05 2023 - 10:25:55 EST

On 4/10/23 18:10, Gregory CLEMENT wrote:
The code clearing BSS already use macro or use correct instruction
depending id the CPU is 32 bits or 64 bits. However, a few
instructions remained 32 bits only.

By using the accurate MACRO, it is now possible to deal with memory
address beyond 32 bits. As a side effect, when using 64bits processor,
it also divides the loop number needed to clear the BSS by 2.

Signed-off-by: Gregory CLEMENT <gregory.clement@xxxxxxxxxxx>
arch/mips/boot/compressed/head.S | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <philmd@xxxxxxxxxx>