Re: [PATCH v5 2/7] iommu: Decouple iommu_present() from bus ops

From: Baolu Lu
Date: Thu Oct 12 2023 - 08:58:46 EST

On 2023/10/12 2:14, Robin Murphy wrote:
Much as I'd like to remove iommu_present(), the final remaining users
are proving stubbornly difficult to clean up, so kick that can down the
road and just rework it to preserve the current behaviour without
depending on bus ops. Since commit 57365a04c921 ("iommu: Move bus setup
to IOMMU device registration"), any registered IOMMU instance is already
considered "present" for every entry in iommu_buses, so it's simply a
case of validating the bus and checking we have at least once IOMMU.

Reviewed-by: Jason Gunthorpe<jgg@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Robin Murphy<robin.murphy@xxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Lu Baolu <>

Best regards,