On 13/10/2023 08:52, Jacky Huang wrote:
Instead use existing common properties, like "pins" and "groups" (orOkay, I will update the first and second items to 'pin bank' and 'pin+This does not look like generic pinctrl bindings. Looks
+&pinctrl {
+ uart0 {
+ pinctrl_uart0: uart0grp {
+ nuvoton,pins =
+ <MA35_SYS_REG_GPE_H 24 1 &pcfg_default>,
+ <MA35_SYS_REG_GPE_H 28 1 &pcfg_default>;
over-complicated. From where did you get it? Which recent bindings and
drivers where used as an example? Register addresses should be in the
driver. Bit offsets as well. "multi-pin-function-value" confuses me. All
this is not really suitable for DTS.
bank index,
just as others have done, and leave the driver to handle the conversion into
registers and offsets.
The term "multi-pin-function-value" is used to specify the device function.Use existing common properties, like "function". Do not reinvent the
I will use the name "device function" instead of "multi-pin-function-value.
Best regards,