Re: [PATCH 3/4] x86/rust: depend on !RETHUNK

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Mon Oct 23 2023 - 14:43:08 EST

On 10/23/23 14:44, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
The Rust compiler does not support the equivalent of
`-mfunction-return=thunk-extern` yet [1]. Thus, currently, `objtool`
warns about it, e.g.:

samples/rust/rust_print.o: warning: objtool: _R...init+0xa5c:
'naked' return found in RETHUNK build

The support in `rustc` for `-Zfunction-return` has been submitted and
is being reviewed [2]. It adds the needed LLVM function attributes and,
with it, I got a RETHUNK kernel build with Rust enabled that does not
print the `objtool` related warnings, boots in QEMU and can load a kernel
loadable module.

In any case, until proper/complete support is added to `rustc`, make it
a hard restriction until the mitigation is in place.

This may have an impact for developers that may not need/care about the
mitigation in the Rust side (e.g. Ubuntu offers Rust as a "technology
preview" [3]), but given we are getting closer to having the first actual
in-tree Rust kernel users, it seems like the right time to disallow
it. This should also avoid confusion [4].

I'll mention that I've tested boots, both in bare metal and QEMU, with
`RUST=y` and `RETHUNK=y` and they were alright regardless of `objtool`
warnings. Although, if you had an issue in the past then I'd like to know
about it.