On 17/11/2023 11:36, Jie Luo wrote:
- items:
- - description: MDIO clock source frequency fixed to 100MHZ
+ minItems: 1
+ maxItems: 5
+ description:
Doesn't this make all other variants with incorrect constraints?
There are 5 clock items, the first one is the legacy MDIO clock, the
other clocks are new added for ipq5332 platform, will describe it more
clearly in the next patch set.
OTHER variants. Not this one.
+ MDIO system clock frequency fixed to 100MHZ, and the GCC uniphy
+ clocks enabled for resetting ethernet PHY.
- items:
- - const: gcc_mdio_ahb_clk
+ minItems: 1
+ maxItems: 5
+ phy-reset-gpio:
No, for multiple reasons. It's gpios first of all. Where do you see such
property? Where is the existing definition?
will remove this property, and update to use the exited PHY GPIO reset.
Then it is "reset-gpios" if this is MDIO. Why do you put phy properties
in MDIO?
+ minItems: 1
+ maxItems: 3
+ description:
+ GPIO used to reset the PHY, each GPIO is for resetting the connected
+ ethernet PHY device.
+ phyaddr-fixup:
+ description: Register address for programing MDIO address of PHY devices
You did not test code which you sent.
Hi Krzysztof,
This patch is passed with the following command in my workspace.
i will upgrade and install yamllint to make sure there is no
warning reported anymore.
make dt_bg_check
No clue what's this, but no, I do not believe you tested it at all. It's
not about yamllint. It's was not tested. Look at errors reported on
mailing list.
Best regards,