Re: [PATCH 6/7] rust: file: add `DeferredFdCloser`

From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Tue Dec 05 2023 - 09:43:58 EST

Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On 12/1/23 12:35, Alice Ryhl wrote:
>> Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>> + // SAFETY: The `inner` pointer points at a valid and fully initialized task work that is
>>>> + // ready to be scheduled.
>>>> + unsafe { bindings::task_work_add(current, inner, TWA_RESUME) };
>>> I am a bit confused, when does `do_close_fd` actually run? Does
>>> `TWA_RESUME` mean that `inner` is scheduled to run after the current
>>> task has been completed?
>> When the current syscall returns to userspace.
> What happens when I use `DeferredFdCloser` outside of a syscall? Will
> it never run? Maybe add some documentation about that?

Christian Brauner, I think I need your help here.

I spent a bunch of time today trying to understand the correct way of
closing an fd held with fdget, and I'm unsure what the best way is.

So, first, `task_work_add` only really works when we're called from a
syscall. For one, it's fallible, and for another, you shouldn't even
attempt to use it from a kthread. (See e.g., the implementation of
`fput` in `fs/file_table.c`.)

To handle the above, we could fall back to the workqueue and schedule
the `fput` there when we are on a kthread or `task_work_add` fails. And
since I don't really care about the performance of this utility, let's
say we just unconditionally use the workqueue to simplify the

However, it's not clear to me that this is okay. Consider this
execution: (please compare to `binder_deferred_fd_close`)

Thread A Thread B (workqueue)
// we are preempted

And now, since the workqueue can run before thread A returns to
userspace, we are in trouble again, right? Unless I missed an upgrade
to shared file descriptor somewhere that somehow makes this okay? I
looked around the C code and couldn't find one and I guess such an
upgrade has to happen before the call to `fdget` anyway?

In Binder, the above is perfectly fine since it closes the fd from a
context where `task_work_add` will always work, and a task work
definitely runs after the `fdput`. But I added this as a utility in the
shared kernel crate, and I want to avoid the situation where someone
comes along later and uses it from a kthread, gets the fallback to
workqueue, and then has an UAF due to the previously mentioned

What do you advise that I do?

Maybe the answer is just that, if you're in a context where it makes
sense to talk about an fd of the current task, then task_work_add will
also definitely work? So if `task_work_add` won't work, then
`close_fd_get_file` will return a null pointer and we never reach the
`task_work_add`. This seems fragile though.
