Re: [PATCH 2/2] rust: sync: add `CondVar::wait_timeout`

From: Martin Rodriguez Reboredo
Date: Wed Dec 06 2023 - 10:53:45 EST

On 12/6/23 07:09, Alice Ryhl wrote:
Sleep on a condition variable with a timeout.

This is used by Rust Binder for process freezing. There, we want to
sleep until the freeze operation completes, but we want to be able to
abort the process freezing if it doesn't complete within some timeout.

Signed-off-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>
+ /// Atomically releases the given lock (whose ownership is proven by the guard) and puts the
+ /// thread to sleep. It wakes up when notified by [`CondVar::notify_one`] or
+ /// [`CondVar::notify_all`], or when the thread receives a signal.
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether there is a signal pending.

Remaining jiffies or zero on timeout?

+ fn wait_internal_timeout<T, B>(
+ &self,
+ wait_state: u32,
+ guard: &mut Guard<'_, T, B>,
+ timeout: u64,
+ ) -> u64
+ /// Releases the lock and waits for a notification in interruptible mode.
+ ///
+ /// Atomically releases the given lock (whose ownership is proven by the guard) and puts the
+ /// thread to sleep. It wakes up when notified by [`CondVar::notify_one`] or
+ /// [`CondVar::notify_all`], or when a timeout occurs, or when the thread receives a signal.
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether there is a signal pending.

This one is correct.

+ #[must_use = "wait_timeout returns if a signal is pending, so the caller must check the return value"]
+ pub fn wait_timeout<T: ?Sized, B: Backend>(
+ &self,
+ guard: &mut Guard<'_, T, B>,
+ jiffies: u64,
+ ) -> CondVarTimeoutResult {