Re: [PATCH 2/2] rust: sync: add `CondVar::wait_timeout`

From: Tiago Lam
Date: Wed Dec 06 2023 - 12:05:33 EST

On 06/12/2023 10:09, Alice Ryhl wrote:
diff --git a/rust/kernel/sync/ b/rust/kernel/sync/
index 9861c6749ad0..a6a6b6ab0c39 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/sync/
+++ b/rust/kernel/sync/
@@ -120,6 +120,63 @@ fn wait_internal<T: ?Sized, B: Backend>(&self, wait_state: u32, guard: &mut Guar
unsafe { bindings::finish_wait(self.wait_list.get(), wait.get()) };
+ /// Atomically releases the given lock (whose ownership is proven by the guard) and puts the
+ /// thread to sleep. It wakes up when notified by [`CondVar::notify_one`] or
+ /// [`CondVar::notify_all`], or when the thread receives a signal.
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether there is a signal pending.
+ fn wait_internal_timeout<T, B>(
+ &self,
+ wait_state: u32,
+ guard: &mut Guard<'_, T, B>,
+ timeout: u64,
+ ) -> u64
+ where
+ T: ?Sized,
+ B: Backend,
+ {
+ let wait = Opaque::<bindings::wait_queue_entry>::uninit();
+ // SAFETY: `wait` points to valid memory.
+ unsafe { bindings::init_wait(wait.get()) };
+ // SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_list` point to valid memory.
+ unsafe {
+ bindings::prepare_to_wait_exclusive(self.wait_list.get(), wait.get(), wait_state as _)
+ };
+ // SAFETY: Switches to another thread.
+ let timeout =
+ guard.do_unlocked(|| unsafe { bindings::schedule_timeout(timeout as _) as _ });

It looks like `schedule_timeout()` simply calls `schedule()` when the timeout passed is `MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT`, so `wait_internal_timeout()` could be merged together with the already existing `wait_internal()`, where `wait_internal()` would always call `schedule_timeout()`? I may be missing something, so just wondering why you decided to introduce another method.

+ // SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_list` point to valid memory.
+ unsafe { bindings::finish_wait(self.wait_list.get(), wait.get()) };
+ timeout
+ }
+ /// Releases the lock and waits for a notification in interruptible mode.
+ ///
+ /// Atomically releases the given lock (whose ownership is proven by the guard) and puts the
+ /// thread to sleep. It wakes up when notified by [`CondVar::notify_one`] or
+ /// [`CondVar::notify_all`], or when a timeout occurs, or when the thread receives a signal.
+ ///
+ /// Returns whether there is a signal pending.
+ #[must_use = "wait_timeout returns if a signal is pending, so the caller must check the return value"]
+ pub fn wait_timeout<T: ?Sized, B: Backend>(
+ &self,
+ guard: &mut Guard<'_, T, B>,
+ jiffies: u64,
+ ) -> CondVarTimeoutResult {

Should this be called `wait_timeout_interruptable` instead, so that if we need to add one using the `TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE` state later we don't need to modfy it again? It also matches the `schedule_timeout_interruptible` one in the kernel (although that's not a reason to change it just in itself).

+ let res = self.wait_internal_timeout(bindings::TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, guard, jiffies);
+ match (res as _, crate::current!().signal_pending()) {
+ (jiffies, true) => CondVarTimeoutResult::Signal { jiffies },
+ (0, false) => CondVarTimeoutResult::Timeout,
+ (jiffies, false) => CondVarTimeoutResult::Woken { jiffies },
+ }
+ }
/// Releases the lock and waits for a notification in interruptible mode.
/// Atomically releases the given lock (whose ownership is proven by the guard) and puts the
@@ -177,3 +234,19 @@ pub fn notify_all(&self) {
self.notify(0, 0);
+/// The return type of `wait_timeout`.
+pub enum CondVarTimeoutResult {
+ /// The timeout was reached.
+ Timeout,
+ /// Somebody woke us up.
+ Woken {
+ /// Remaining sleep duration.
+ jiffies: u64,
+ },
+ /// A signal occurred.
+ Signal {
+ /// Remaining sleep duration.
+ jiffies: u64,
+ },

Is `Signal` and `Woken` only going to hold a single value? Would it be best represented as a tuple struct instead, like so?

pub enum CondVarTimeoutResult {
/// The timeout was reached.
/// Somebody woke us up.
Woken (u64),
/// A signal occurred.
Signal (u64),
