Re: [PATCH 1/3] x86: Move TSS and LDT to end of the GDT

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Wed Dec 13 2023 - 14:09:57 EST

On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 10:51, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We have GDT_ENTRY_PERCPU for example, which is a kernel-only segment.
> It also happens to be 32-bit only, it doesn't matter for the thing
> you're trying to fix, but that valid_user_selector() thing is then
> used on x86-32 too.
> So the ESPFIX and per-cpu segments are kernel-only, but then the VDSO
> getcpu one is a user segment.
> And the PnP and APM BIOS segments are similarly kernel-only.

Final (?) note: when looking at this, I have to say that our
GDT_ENTRY_INIT() and GDT_ENTRY() macros are horrendous.

I know exactly *why* they are horrendous, with all the history of
passing in raw flags values, etc, and you can most certainly see that
whole thing in the GDT_ENTRY() macro. It's used in assembly code in a
couple of cases too.

But then you look at GDT_ENTRY_INIT(), and it turns that illegible
"flags" value into (slightly more) legible S/DPL/etc values. So it
literally makes people use those odd "this is how this is encoded"
values even when the code actually wants to use a structure definition
that has the flags split out.

I guess it's much too much work to really fix things, but maybe we
could at least add #defines and comments for the special values.

So instead of

GDT_ENTRY_INIT(0xc093, 0, 0xfffff)

we could maybe have

#define GDT_ENTRY_FLAGS(type,s,dpl,p,avl,l,d,g) \
((type) |
(s)<<4) | \
(dpl) << 5) | ....

and have #defines for those 0xc093 values (with comments), so that we'd have


instead of a magic 0xc093 number.

This would require some nit-picky "read all those values and know the
crazy descriptor table layout" thing. Maybe somebody has a serious
case of insomnia and boredom?
