Re: [PATCH v3 00/17] enable nvmet-fc for blktests
From: Maurizio Lombardi
Date: Mon Dec 18 2023 - 11:11:05 EST
po 18. 12. 2023 v 16:34 odesílatel Daniel Wagner <dwagner@xxxxxxx> napsal:
> Apropos KASAN, it still reports the problem from [1], so anyone who want to run
> this series needs to revert ee6fdc5055e9 ("nvme-fc: fix race between error
> recovery and creating association").
We hit this regression in RHEL too and we were forced to revert that
commit, it's obviously buggy
because it calls blocking functions with interrupts disabled.
Please revert it.
Note: I have tried to fix it and close the race condition but it all
became a bit too complex, also,
I didn't have the opportunity to test it yet.