Re: [PATCH] bcma,ssb: simplify dependency handling for bcma and ssb drivers

From: Michael Büsch
Date: Mon Dec 18 2023 - 11:40:44 EST

Hi Lukas,

thanks for your patch.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 16:03:54 +0100
Lukas Bulwahn <lukas.bulwahn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> While reading through the code, I was
> confused on what the dependencies were trying to tell me, as the
> config symbols and conditions seemed to repeat over and over in
> different places.

The {SSB,BCMA}_POSSIBLE constants are defining the conditions under
which it is possible to 'select' SSB/BCMA.
SSB and BCMA are usually 'select'ed rather than depended on, for better
user experience while configuring.

> I thought it was worth a clean up and this was the patch I came up
> with in the end.

IMO this does not clean up or simplify the code.
It rather makes it more complicated to maintain.

The idea behind the POSSIBLE constants it to _not_ spread the
conditions all across the drivers. That has significant advantages, if
the condition changes.

I also don't see the redundancy in the resulting dependency conditions
as a bad thing. It's better if every option explicitly defines its
dependencies rather than expecting something else to depend on it.
That's fragile.

NAK from me.

Michael Büsch

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