Re: [PATCH 0/8] MIPS: Unify low-level debugging functionalities
From: Jiaxun Yang
Date: Wed Dec 20 2023 - 20:41:18 EST
在2023年12月20日十二月 下午9:18,Thomas Bogendoerfer写道:
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 02:53:01AM +0000, Jiaxun Yang wrote:
>> The plan is to elimiate platform specific early_printk and
>> cps-vec-ns16550 by debug_ll and earlycon.
> ?
> sorry I don't think that just another new function is good approach.
> Doing this will end up with another method for early debugging and
> all other will stay.
All others will go (one of two already gone).
The thing is, I tried to get cps-vec-16550 and zboot work with UHI
semihosting, and soon find out that they are doing exactly the same
thing. So I tried to unify them.
I miss the good old day on Arm system that I can use handy debug_ll
functions for every low level debugging purpose, thus I just copied the
whole design.
There won't be any new debugging functions, zboot one already merged
into debug_ll in this series, cps-vec-ns16550 will be merged as well,
I've got patches prepared locally but depending on my XKPHYS changes.
We have extra functionality to debug early exception as well, that will
certainly make bring-up process easier.
> Thomas.
> --
> Crap can work. Given enough thrust pigs will fly, but it's not necessarily a
> good idea. [ RFC1925, 2.3 ]
- Jiaxun