[PATCH v2 5/8] firewire: test: add test of device attributes for legacy AV/C device
From: Takashi Sakamoto
Date: Thu Dec 21 2023 - 09:00:18 EST
Some legacy devices have configuration ROM against standard AV/C device.
They have vendor directory to store model identifier. It is described in
annex of the following document.
- Configuration ROM for AV/C Devices 1.0 (Dec. 12, 2000, 1394 Trading
In the case, current implementation of core function does not detect the
model identifier, thus device attributes and modalias of unit have lack of
it. Another KUnit test is required for the case, and this commit is for
the purpose.
The following output is the parse result for the hard-coded data, by
config-rom-pretty-printer in linux-firewire-utils
The data is written by my hand.
$ config-rom-pretty-printer < /tmp/rom.img
ROM header and bus information block
1024 04199fe7 bus_info_length 4, crc_length 25, crc 40935
1028 31333934 bus_name "1394"
1032 e0644000 irmc 1, cmc 1, isc 1, bmc 0, cyc_clk_acc 100, max_rec 4 (32)
1036 00112233 company_id 001122 |
1040 44556677 device_id 220189779575 | EUI-64 4822678189205111
root directory
1044 0005dace directory_length 5, crc 56014
1048 03012345 vendor
1052 0c0083c0 node capabilities: per IEEE 1394
1056 8d000009 --> eui-64 leaf at 1092
1060 d1000002 --> unit directory at 1068
1064 c3000004 --> vendor directory at 1080
unit directory at 1068
1068 0002e107 directory_length 2, crc 57607
1072 12abcdef specifier id
1076 13543210 version
vendor directory at 1080
1080 0002cb73 directory_length 2, crc 52083
1084 17fedcba model
1088 81000004 --> descriptor leaf at 1104
eui-64 leaf at 1092
1092 00026dc1 leaf_length 2, crc 28097
1096 00112233 company_id 001122 |
1100 44556677 device_id 220189779575 | EUI-64 4822678189205111
descriptor leaf at 1104
1104 00050e84 leaf_length 5, crc 3716
1108 00000000 textual descriptor
1112 00000000 minimal ASCII
1116 41424344 "ABCD"
1120 45464748 "EFGH"
1124 494a0000 "IJ"
Signed-off-by: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/firewire/device-attribute-test.c | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 111 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/firewire/device-attribute-test.c b/drivers/firewire/device-attribute-test.c
index e2c5587d0757..495af65c33b5 100644
--- a/drivers/firewire/device-attribute-test.c
+++ b/drivers/firewire/device-attribute-test.c
@@ -45,6 +45,40 @@ static const u32 simple_avc_config_rom[] = {
+// Ibid.
+// Annex A:Consideration for configuration ROM reader design (informative)
+// A.1 Vendor directory
+// Written by hand.
+static const u32 legacy_avc_config_rom[] = {
+ 0x04199fe7,
+ 0x31333934,
+ 0xe0644000,
+ 0x00112233,
+ 0x44556677,
+ 0x0005dace, // root directory.
+ 0x03012345,
+ 0x0c0083c0,
+ 0x8d000009,
+ 0xd1000002,
+ 0xc3000004,
+ 0x0002e107, // unit 0 directory.
+ 0x12abcdef,
+ 0x13543210,
+ 0x0002cb73, // vendor directory.
+ 0x17fedcba,
+ 0x81000004,
+ 0x00026dc1, // leaf for EUI-64.
+ 0x00112233,
+ 0x44556677,
+ 0x00050e84, // leaf for textual descriptor.
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0x41424344,
+ 0x45464748,
+ 0x494a0000,
static void device_attr_simple_avc(struct kunit *test)
static const struct fw_device node = {
@@ -126,8 +160,85 @@ static void device_attr_simple_avc(struct kunit *test)
KUNIT_EXPECT_MEMEQ(test, ids, unit0_expected_ids, sizeof(ids));
+static void device_attr_legacy_avc(struct kunit *test)
+ static const struct fw_device node = {
+ .device = {
+ .type = &fw_device_type,
+ },
+ .config_rom = legacy_avc_config_rom,
+ .config_rom_length = sizeof(legacy_avc_config_rom),
+ };
+ static const struct fw_unit unit0 = {
+ .device = {
+ .type = &fw_unit_type,
+ .parent = (struct device *)&node.device,
+ },
+ .directory = &legacy_avc_config_rom[11],
+ };
+ struct device *node_dev = (struct device *)&node.device;
+ struct device *unit0_dev = (struct device *)&unit0.device;
+ static const int unit0_expected_ids[] = {0x00012345, 0x00000000, 0x00abcdef, 0x00543210};
+ char *buf = kunit_kzalloc(test, PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ int ids[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ // Ensure associations for node and unit devices.
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE(test, is_fw_device(node_dev));
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE(test, is_fw_unit(node_dev));
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_PTR_EQ(test, fw_device((node_dev)), &node);
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE(test, is_fw_device(unit0_dev));
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE(test, is_fw_unit(unit0_dev));
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_PTR_EQ(test, fw_parent_device((&unit0)), &node);
+ KUNIT_ASSERT_PTR_EQ(test, fw_unit(unit0_dev), &unit0);
+ // For entries in root directory.
+ // Vendor immediate entry is found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_GT(test, show_immediate(node_dev, &config_rom_attributes[0].attr, buf), 0);
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_STREQ(test, buf, "0x012345\n");
+ // Model immediate entry is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_immediate(node_dev, &config_rom_attributes[4].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Descriptor leaf entry for vendor is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_text_leaf(node_dev, &config_rom_attributes[5].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Descriptor leaf entry for model is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_text_leaf(node_dev, &config_rom_attributes[6].attr, buf), 0);
+ // For entries in unit 0 directory.
+ // Vendor immediate entry is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_immediate(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[0].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Model immediate entry is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_immediate(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[4].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Descriptor leaf entry for vendor is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_text_leaf(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[5].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Descriptor leaf entry for model is not found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, show_text_leaf(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[6].attr, buf), 0);
+ // Specifier_ID immediate entry is found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_GT(test, show_immediate(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[2].attr, buf), 0);
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_STREQ(test, buf, "0xabcdef\n");
+ // Version immediate entry is found.
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_GT(test, show_immediate(unit0_dev, &config_rom_attributes[3].attr, buf), 0);
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_STREQ(test, buf, "0x543210\n");
+ kunit_kfree(test, buf);
+ get_modalias_ids(&unit0, ids);
+ KUNIT_EXPECT_MEMEQ(test, ids, unit0_expected_ids, sizeof(ids));
static struct kunit_case device_attr_test_cases[] = {
+ KUNIT_CASE(device_attr_legacy_avc),