On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 10:27:33PM +0000, Jiaxun Yang wrote:Conor, Christoph, Jiaxun, thanks for quick feedback!
在 2023/12/21 20:29, Conor Dooley 写道:
+ Christoph
I don't think this patch is correct. Regardless of whether we support
cache management operations, DMA is assumed to be coherent unless
peripherals etc are specified to otherwise in DT (or however ACPI deals
with that kind of thing).
What problem are you trying to solve here?
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 09:51:52PM +0300, Maxim Kochetkov wrote:
Not all the RISCV are DMA coherent by default.
Sorry for chime in here.
IMO if your platform is not coherent by default, just insert
at devicetree root node.
Exactly. ARCH_DMA_DEFAULT_COHERENTis a setting that just says for
a given architecture assumes coherent unless otherwise specified,
which has historically been the case for mips. Not setting it means
non-coherent unless specified, which has historially been the case
for arm.
RISC-V starte out without support for non-coherent DMA, and high ups
in RISCV still told me in 2019 that RISC-V doesn't need cache
management instructions because no new hardware would ever not be
dma coherent. Yeah, right..
Anyay, Linux for RISC-V has historically been coherent only and then
coherent default, so this option is wrong, and you need to mark
you platform as non-coherent by inserting dma-noncoherent somewhere.