Re: [PATCH] EDAC: constantify the struct bus_type usage
From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Fri Dec 29 2023 - 04:29:32 EST
On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 09:10:02AM +0000, Greg Kroah-Hartman wrote:
> Hey, we could be using German and then it would be something like
> "Konstantifizierung" :)
Ewww. Or to say in German: "Oh nee". :-P
Lemme guess, that must sound similar in Dutch. google translate says
"constantificatie". Fun.
> Ah, oops, that means this depends on a patch in my trees already that
> fix this up. You can wait until after 6.8-rc1 to get to this, or I can
> take it in my tree if you want now, which ever is easiest for you.
Either's fine with me so I leave it up to you.