Re: [PATCH 3/5] media: qcom: camss: Add sc8280xp resources

From: Konrad Dybcio
Date: Tue Jan 16 2024 - 07:42:35 EST

On 1/11/24 20:57, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
This commit describes the hardware layout for the sc8280xp for the
following hardware blocks:

- 4 x VFE, 4 RDI per VFE
- 4 x VFE Lite, 4 RDI per VFE
- 4 x CSID
- 4 x CSID Lite
- 4 x CSI PHY

Signed-off-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@xxxxxxxxxx>



+static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_sc8280xp[] = {
+ /* CSIPHY0 */

Are there any cases where a platform has PHYs with different
capabilities? Might be another nice thing to clean up in the


+static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
+ /* IFE0 */
+ {
+ .regulators = {},
+ .clock = { "gcc_axi_hf", "gcc_axi_sf", "cpas_ahb", "camnoc_axi", "vfe0", "vfe0_axi" },


+ .clock_rate = { { 0 },
+ { 0 },
+ { 19200000, 80000000},

Missing space

Also, the source of this clock has shared_ops, which means it's
parked to XO on disable.. Is the first frequency here useful?

+ { 19200000, 150000000, 266666667, 320000000, 400000000, 480000000 },

Similar story here

+ { 400000000, 558000000, 637000000, 760000000 },

And you (perhaps correctly) omitted 19.2MHz here

Same story for all other IFE/_LITEs in this patch

+static const struct resources_icc icc_res_sc8280xp[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "cam_ahb",
+ .icc_bw_tbl.avg = 150000,
+ .icc_bw_tbl.peak = 300000,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "cam_hf_mnoc",
+ .icc_bw_tbl.avg = 2097152,
+ .icc_bw_tbl.peak = 2097152,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "cam_sf_mnoc",
+ .icc_bw_tbl.avg = 2097152,
+ .icc_bw_tbl.peak = 2097152,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "cam_sf_icp_mnoc",
+ .icc_bw_tbl.avg = 2097152,
+ .icc_bw_tbl.peak = 2097152,


static const struct of_device_id camss_dt_match[] = {
{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8916-camss", .data = &msm8916_resources },
{ .compatible = "qcom,msm8996-camss", .data = &msm8996_resources },
{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm660-camss", .data = &sdm660_resources },
{ .compatible = "qcom,sdm845-camss", .data = &sdm845_resources },
{ .compatible = "qcom,sm8250-camss", .data = &sm8250_resources },
+ { .compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-camss", .data = &sc8280xp_resources },
"sc" < "sd"
