Re: [PATCH v3 08/12] arm64: dts: exynos: gs101: remove reg-io-width from serial
From: Tudor Ambarus
Date: Wed Jan 17 2024 - 09:59:38 EST
On 1/16/24 17:57, Sam Protsenko wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 7:00 AM Tudor Ambarus <tudor.ambarus@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Remove the reg-io-width property in order to comply with the bindings.
>> The entire bus (PERIC) on which the GS101 serial resides only allows
>> 32-bit register accesses. The reg-io-width dt property is disallowed
>> for the "google,gs101-uart" compatible and instead the iotype is
>> inferred from the compatible.
>> Reviewed-by: Peter Griffin <peter.griffin@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> Signed-off-by: Tudor Ambarus <tudor.ambarus@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> ---
> Reviewed-by: Sam Protsenko <semen.protsenko@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Just out of curiosity (I probably missed the relevant discussion
> earlier): what is the actual reason for moving 'reg-io-width' to the
> driver's code as 'iotype'? I mean, what is the actual problem that's
The majority (if not all?) of the hardware blocks in GS101 SoC require
32 bit register access widths. Instead of specifying reg-io-width = 4
everywhere in the device tree, we infer it from the compatibles.
The relevant discussion is here:
> being solved by this -- is it to make the earlycon functional for
> gs101? I'm asking because the bus width looks like a part of HW
> description, which usually belongs to dts, from the design point of
> view. Anyways, that's not a concern, just trying to understand the
> decision.