Re: [PATCH] sched/doc: Update EM API em_pd_energy to em_cpu_energy

From: Yanteng Si
Date: Tue Jan 30 2024 - 04:28:05 EST

Hi Chenggang,

在 2024/1/30 11:32, Chenggang Wang 写道:
The em_pd_energy function name is obsolete and non-existent now.

It is not a complete patch, at least it is missing a Signed of by; Then, could you please explain

the reason for sending again in a short period of time? Perhaps this email should be used as

patch v2. see .../Documentation/translations/zh_CN/process/5.Posting.rst

You can also execute this command:


Then silence all warnings and errors.



Documentation/scheduler/sched-energy.rst | 2 +-
Documentation/translations/zh_CN/scheduler/sched-energy.rst | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/scheduler/sched-energy.rst b/Documentation/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
index 70e2921..84b37a2 100644
--- a/Documentation/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
+++ b/Documentation/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ in its previous activation.
find_energy_efficient_cpu() uses compute_energy() to estimate what will be the
energy consumed by the system if the waking task was migrated. compute_energy()
looks at the current utilization landscape of the CPUs and adjusts it to
-'simulate' the task migration. The EM framework provides the em_pd_energy() API
+'simulate' the task migration. The EM framework provides the em_cpu_energy() API
which computes the expected energy consumption of each performance domain for
the given utilization landscape.
diff --git a/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/scheduler/sched-energy.rst b/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
index fdbf6cf..03dedc6 100644
--- a/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
+++ b/Documentation/translations/zh_CN/scheduler/sched-energy.rst
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ EAS覆盖了CFS的任务唤醒平衡代码。在唤醒平衡时,它使用平
-“模拟”任务迁移。EM框架提供了API em_pd_energy()计算每个性能域在给定的利用率条件
+“模拟”任务迁移。EM框架提供了API em_cpu_energy()计算每个性能域在给定的利用率条件