Re: guide on bisecting (was Re: [REGRESSION] kexec does firmware reboot in kernel v6.7.6)
From: Pavin Joseph
Date: Sun Mar 03 2024 - 05:18:10 EST
On 3/3/24 14:06, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
That being said: I think I might know what sent you sideways: the main
section lacked a "git remote add -t master stable". :-((
Now that I read through it with a fresh pair of eyes, this is exactly
the problem!
2. The "installkernel" command is called "kernel-install" in OpenSuse,
Yeah, it looks like that, but that's not really the case. :-) In short:
on Fedora "installkernel" calls into kernel-install -- and
"installkernel" has a long history, so doing what Fedora does is likely
a wise thing for distros. And openSUSE had a "installkernel" as well,
which was part of the dracut package. Not sure if that is still the case
for current Leap and Tumbleweed. Could you check?
It's not available even as a symlink in OpenSuse TW / Slowroll I'm afraid.
suse-pc:~ # whereis installkernel
suse-pc:~ # whereis kernel-install
kernel-install: /usr/bin/kernel-install
suse-pc:~ # man kernel-install | grep -i installkernel
When invoked as installkernel, this program accepts arguments as
specified by the kernel build system's make install command. The VERSION
and VMLINUZ parameters
and it doesn't really perform all the steps to install kernel. It calls
dracut to create initramfs though, but that's hardly much help.
Could you please elaborate a bit on that "hardly much help", as I'm not
really sure what you exactly mean here. Are you and/or openSUSE normally
not using dracut?
I meant that calling kernel-install in OpenSuse only seems to then call
dracut to build an initramfs for the kernel. I can call dracut myself
without adding an unnecessary middleman (kernel-install) in the process
and less verbosely too: dracut --kver $(make -s kernelrelease)
Perhaps you could add generic details such as I provided in the
reference section for distros where installkernel doesn't exist or don't
perform all the steps required.
3. The dependencies for kernel building in OpenSuse and other major
distros are incomplete,
So what was missing?
Sorry, I don't remember. The compile/build threw some error and I looked
up how to install kernel building dependencies in OpenSuse only to find
out there was a pattern for it already.
Perhaps you could list the basic dependencies in the main section and
provide the collection/patterns in the reference section.
4. The command to build RPM package (make binrpm-pkg) fails as the
modules are installed into "/home/<user>/linux/.../lib" while depmod
checks for modules in "/home/<user>/linux/.../usr/lib".
That sounds like a bug that should be reported and fixed, not something
that docs should catch and work around. Could you report that?
Please, could you tell me where to report this bug? Kernel bugzilla?
Which category/component? Thanks for all your help 😉
Kind regards,
Pavin Joseph.