Re: [PATCH 2/2] platform/chrome: cros_kbd_led_backlight: Remove obsolete commands (EC_CMD_PWM_*_KEYBOARD_BACKLIGHT)

From: Stephen Horvath
Date: Mon Mar 25 2024 - 20:30:21 EST

On 26/3/24 04:45, Brian Norris wrote:
Just because the EC firmware repository marks these as obsolete (and
yes, we copy that header mostly as-is into the kernel repository ...
but it's still a firmware header) doesn't mean it's truly ready to be
removed. I believe the intention is to direct *firmware* developers
not to use them -- any new developments should be using the new

From a kernel perspective, we could still be supporting old firmware
on old devices, and so we may want/need to continue to support these

Alright that makes sense.

I don't know off the top of my head which firmware branches support
which commands, on devices that have such keyboard backlights. (The
Chromium EC repository is open source though, with various firmware-*
branches still around, so this information is available.) But without
a better explanation as to why these are truly ready to be removed,
I'll say "NAK."

Yeah that's fair enough, my laptop seems to support both so I'll agree the older commands are probably the safer option.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!