RE: [PATCH] Documentation/x86: Document resctrl bandwidth control units are MiB

From: Luck, Tony
Date: Mon Apr 01 2024 - 19:04:09 EST

> It appears that there is no custom here and it may just be somebody's preference?


Thanks for digging around. I had thought there was general consensus that
memory was measured in 2^20, storage in 10^6 and networking in either
10^6 or 10^9 (but bits rather than bytes.

But, as you've found, there doesn't seem to be to be even that much of
a custom.

Maybe a case for (since it is April 1st, I propose
everyone standardize on Teranibbles per fortnight[1] :-) )

But back to the patch. As there is no standard, changing the documentation
to accurately represent the code looks like a good option.


[1] 1 MiB/s == 2.5367 Tnibbles/fortnight