Re: More annoying code generation by clang

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sat Apr 06 2024 - 12:05:24 EST

On Sat, 6 Apr 2024 at 08:39, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Because this code actually requires a data-depencency and not a
> control dependency as a correctness issue because of Spectre-v1.

Just to clarify: our comments in this code are maybe a bit odd,
because our comments are not about the Spectre-v1 issue (which
predates a rewrite) and more about the odd RCU pattern and conditional
avoidance we use here:

unsigned long nospec_mask;

/* Mask is a 0 for invalid fd's, ~0 for valid ones */
nospec_mask = array_index_mask_nospec(fd, fdt->max_fds);

* fdentry points to the 'fd' offset, or fdt->fd[0].
* Loading from fdt->fd[0] is always safe, because the
* array always exists.
fdentry = fdt->fd + (fd & nospec_mask);

/* Do the load, then mask any invalid result */
file = rcu_dereference_raw(*fdentry);

where *normally* (if RCU wasn't an issue) we'd just write this as

file = fdt->fd[array_index_nospec(fd, fdt->max_fds)];

where the key part is that "nospec" array indexing that will not
speculatively access the array past the "max_fds".

IOW, the code naively would want to do just

if (fd < fdt->max_fds) {
file = fdt->fd[fd];

but we need to make sure that it can't be fooled into using a branch
mispredict and use a user-controlled index ("fd") to speculatively
access the array with an arbitrary index and then leak unrelated data
through some side channel (mostly cache access).

And while the normal pattern doesn't expose the mask generation and
just hides that mask in that simpler "array_index_nospec()" macro,
this code actually ends up using the same mask *twice*, because it
will later end up doing this hack:

file = (void *)(nospec_mask & (unsigned long)file);
if (unlikely(!file))
return NULL;

to have just one single conditional at the end (ie we may have loaded
a non-NULL file pointer from fdt->fd[0] because an invalid index got
masked down to a zero index, and the second masking will mask away
that pointer and make it NULL because we're bad people and we know
that NULL is "bitpattern 0" and we care about the code working, not
about some unreal "NULL could be anything else" thing.

End result: this code that is just a few lines long and has more
comments than code, and generates only a handful of instruction is
fairly subtle but also fairly important both for hardware security
issues and for performance.

See commit 253ca8678d30 ("Improve __fget_files_rcu() code generation
(and thus __fget_light())" that actually started doing this "use mask
twice", and realize that that commit is what this performance
regression report is talking about:

ie that whole "use masks and avoid doing the obvious thing" may be a
bit subtle, but it's what turned a 2.9% performance regression into a
3.4% improvement.

(Ok, those performance numbers are on just one random microbenchmark
and don't really matter, so take that with a pinch of salt, but if you
care about a _lot_ of random benchmarks, eventually you get good
performance overall).

Anyway, hopefully that explains the dual issue here: we care about
performance, but we also have to use a specific instruction pattern,
and can't just hope for the best.
