Re: [PATCH v1 2/4] drm/panel: boe-tv101wum-nl6: Support for BOE nv110wum-l60 MIPI-DSI panel

From: Linus Walleij
Date: Thu Apr 18 2024 - 10:01:30 EST

On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 2:42 PM cong yang
<yangcong5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I learned from himax that even if the same controller is used with
> different glasses, the corresponding parameters are not fixed.
> For example: _INIT_DCS_CMD(0xB9, 0x83, 0x10, 0x21, 0x55, 0x00),
> even in the group initial code, the same register will be loaded with
> parameters twice.
> So assuming that the registers of the two screens is the same now,
> it cannot be set as a common parameter.
> Otherwise, it may be a bit troublesome for the maintainers.
> If necessary, I can break out starry_himax83102_j02, boe_nv110wum and
> ivo_t109nw41
> as separate driver. Then add some define to these registers.

Why would you do a separate driver per panel despite they have
the same display controller? I don't get it.

Use one driver, use different compatible strings for the different
panels and use the corresponding sequence for each panel
selected by compatible string.

For example, see drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-novatek-nt35510.c:

static const struct of_device_id nt35510_of_match[] = {
.compatible = "frida,frd400b25025",
.data = &nt35510_frida_frd400b25025,
.compatible = "hydis,hva40wv1",
.data = &nt35510_hydis_hva40wv1,
{ }

Take some inspiration from this driver and how we parameterize
the different data depending on compatible string.

Linus Walleij