Re: [SPAM]Re: BT_RAM_CODE_MT7961_1a_2_hdr.bin is missing in the firmware tree
From: Peter Tsao (曹珆彰)
Date: Wed Apr 24 2024 - 07:43:26 EST
Dear Thorsten,
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
MT7920 and MT7921 are different chip (hardware) but both use same
chip_id 0x7961 and we distinguish between these two chip through the
8th bit of the "fw_flavor" register.
Therefore, I think we have not violated this rule:
> Users switching to a newer kernel should *not* have to install newer
> firmware files to keep their hardware working.
because MT7921 still be MT7921 and use same FW bin
About MT7920, we will push the stable FW bin after internal test done.
On Wed, 2024-04-24 at 08:06 +0200, Linux regression tracking (Thorsten
Leemhuis) wrote:
> On 23.04.24 12:23, Artem S. Tashkinov wrote:
> >
> > Could you please push this firmware ASAP?
> >
> > It's been reported to be missing:
> >;!!CTRNKA9wMg0ARbw!jL88juHMcB9CkhfQy00tGVjWsRXXdMN-_T28ANIP1xdw0C5Yr2dENm0mM3n9Egv5xqdT7oDyEXtOswJ6o2EYZSw9h_v5$
> >
> FWIW, that can't be the only solution for that problem, as
> Documentation/driver-api/firmware/firmware-usage-guidelines.rst
> clearly
> states:
> """
> Users switching to a newer kernel should *not* have to install newer
> firmware files to keep their hardware working.
> """
> Could anyone from mediatek please confirm that this rule is adhered?
> Side note: I wonder if Peter's patch
> ("Bluetooth: btusb: Fix the patch for MT7920 the affected to MT7921")
> is
> relevant for this.
> Ciao, Thorsten (wearing his 'the Linux kernel's regression tracker'
> hat)
> --
> Everything you wanna know about Linux kernel regression tracking:
> If I did something stupid, please tell me, as explained on that page.