On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 08:15:04PM +0530, sundar wrote:Hi Heikki,
On 25/04/24 15:40, Heikki Krogerus wrote:
On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 10:57:16PM +0530, sundar wrote:Hi Heikki,
Nitpick, Mostly common path will not be indented. so rewritten this
function to check device_node pointer is null and removed common path
Signed-off-by: sundar <prosunofficial@xxxxxxxxx>
I don't think that is your full name, or is it?
Sundar is my full name.
Previously, I wrote my name in caps.after changing to small, conflict
arises.now I fixed it.
You need to use your real, full name - what ever your name is in your
passport. I find it a bit hard to believe you don't have a family (or
given?) name.
Your email returns couple of commits where you're name is "R SUNDAR".
What does the "R" stand for?