Re: [PATCH v2] net: usb: ax88179_178a: avoid writing the mac address before first reading

From: Yongqin Liu
Date: Wed May 08 2024 - 06:42:21 EST

Hi, Jose

On Wed, 8 May 2024 at 15:57, Jose Ignacio Tornos Martinez
<jtornosm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Yongqin,
> Sorry for the inconveniences.
> I don't have the db845c, could you provide information about the type of
> device and protocol used?

The db845c uses an RJ45 as the physical interface.
It has the translation from PCIe0 to USB and USB to Gigabit Ethernet controller.

For details, maybe you could check the hardware details from the documents here:

> Related driver logs would be very helpful for this.

Here is the log from the serial console side:

Please let me know if I could try and provide more information for the

Best Regards,
Yongqin Liu
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