Re: [PATCH v4 6/6] arm64: dts: rockchip: Add OPP data for CPU cores on RK3588

From: Dragan Simic
Date: Wed May 08 2024 - 06:56:52 EST

On 2024-05-08 12:50, Quentin Schulz wrote:
I'm surprised that we removed the lowest frequencies at the same
voltage, are they not even allowing us to save a teeny tiny bit of
power consumption? (I'm asking because I'm pretty sure we'll
eventually get customers complaining the CPU freq doesn't go in super
low frequency "so this must be a way to consume less power in idle!").

Same-voltage, different-frequency OPPs are seen as inefficient, although
I don't share the same opinion. While the jury is still out, perhaps we
can omit them, and possibly add them later.