Re: RE: [PATCH v5] platform/x86: dell-laptop: Implement platform_profile

From: Mario Limonciello
Date: Wed May 08 2024 - 11:53:36 EST

On 5/8/2024 09:24, Shen, Yijun wrote:
Hi Lyndon,

Thanks for working on this patch.

Dell side has an initial testing with this patch on some laptops, it looks good. While changing the platform profile:
1. The corresponding USTT option in BIOS will be changed.
2. thermald will not be impacted. The related PSVT and ITMT will be loaded.
Some Dell DTs does not have the USTT, Dell'll have a check if nothing is broken.

Hi Alex!

Have you had a check both on both your AMD laptops and workstations too, or just the Intel ones? I think it would be good to make sure it's getting the correct experience in both cases.

Additional, with this patch, follow behavior is found:
1. For example, the platform profile is quiet.
2. Reboot the system and change the USTT to performance.
3. Boot to desktop, the platform profile is "quiet", the USTT will be changed back to "quiet".
This looks like not a proper user experience. The platform profile should honor the BIOS setting, aka, the platform profile should be switched to "performance".

I agree, this sounds like the initial profile needs to be read from the BIOS settings too.

Furthermore I wanted to ask is there also a WMI setting that corresponds to this that dell-wmi-sysman offers? I'm wondering if both should be probed in case the SMBIOS one goes away one day. Or should that one just be used as preference?

It seems like maybe ThermalManagement corresponds. There was some test data in fwupd for it: