Re: [RFC 0/4] perf sched: Introduce schedstat tool
From: Ravi Bangoria
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 01:09:41 EST
>> TODO:
>> - This RFC series supports v15 layout of /proc/schedstat but v16 layout
>> is already being pushed upstream. We are planning to include v16 as
>> well in the next revision.
>> - Currently schedstat tool provides statistics of only one run but we
>> are planning to add `perf sched schedstat diff` which can compare
>> the data of two different runs (possibly good and bad) and highlight
>> where scheduler decisions are impacting workload performance.
>> - perf sched schedstat records /proc/schedstat which is a cpu and domain
>> level scheduler statistic. We are planning to add taskstat tool which
>> reads task stats from procfs and generate scheduler statistic report
>> at task granularity. this will probably a standalone tool, something
>> like `perf sched taskstat record/report`.
>> - /proc/schedstat shows cpumask in domain line to indicate a group of
>> cpus that belong to the domain. Since we are not using domain<->cpumask
>> data anywhere, we are not capturing it as part of perf sample. But we
>> are planning to include it in the next revision.
>> - We have tested the patch only on AMD machines, not on other platforms.
> This is great! Is it possible to add some basic shell script testing:
> for the sake of coverage, other platform testing, etc. ?
Sure, I will think about adding some simple tests.