[PATCH] riscv: dts: fix isa string for Canaan Kendryte K230
From: Yangyu Chen
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 05:34:06 EST
The original is a string in dts that has no "zfh" or "zvfh" extension,
but the K230 chip has them, so I am adding them to the dts. This
patch also reordered the Z* extension in the isa string and used
canonical order for the category as the first key and then alphabet
order as the second key to meet RISC-V ISA Extension Naming
Signed-off-by: Yangyu Chen <cyy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
prerequisite-patchset: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-riscv/tencent_22BA0425B4DF1CA1713B62E4423C1BFBF809@xxxxxx/
arch/riscv/boot/dts/canaan/k230.dtsi | 9 +++++----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arch/riscv/boot/dts/canaan/k230.dtsi b/arch/riscv/boot/dts/canaan/k230.dtsi
index 95c1a3d8fb11..104e08ef5869 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/boot/dts/canaan/k230.dtsi
+++ b/arch/riscv/boot/dts/canaan/k230.dtsi
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ cpu@0 {
compatible = "thead,c908", "riscv";
device_type = "cpu";
reg = <0>;
- riscv,isa = "rv64imafdcv_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zicbom_zicbop_zicboz_svpbmt";
+ riscv,isa = "rv64imafdcv_zicbom_zicbop_zicboz_zfh_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_zvfh_svpbmt";
riscv,isa-base = "rv64i";
- riscv,isa-extensions = "i", "m", "a", "f", "d", "c", "v", "zba", "zbb",
- "zbc", "zbs", "zicbom", "zicbop", "zicboz",
- "zicntr", "zicsr", "zifencei", "zihpm", "svpbmt";
+ riscv,isa-extensions = "i", "m", "a", "f", "d", "c", "v", "zicbom",
+ "zicbop", "zicboz", "zicntr", "zicsr", "zifencei",
+ "zihpm", "zfh", "zba", "zbb", "zbc", "zbs", "zvfh",
+ "svpbmt";
riscv,cbom-block-size = <64>;
riscv,cbop-block-size = <64>;
riscv,cboz-block-size = <64>;