Re: [PATCH net-next 0/1] mlx5: Add netdev-genl queue stats

From: Tariq Toukan
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 06:16:31 EST

On 09/05/2024 9:30, Joe Damato wrote:
On Wed, May 08, 2024 at 07:08:39PM -0700, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
On Thu, 9 May 2024 01:57:52 +0000 Joe Damato wrote:
If I'm following that right and understanding mlx5 (two things I am
unlikely to do simultaneously), that sounds to me like:

- mlx5e_get_queue_stats_rx and mlx5e_get_queue_stats_tx check if i <
priv->channels.params.num_channels (instead of priv->stats_nch),

Yes, tho, not sure whether the "if i < ...num_channels" is even
necessary, as core already checks against real_num_rx_queues.

and when
summing mlx5e_sq_stats in the latter function, it's up to
priv->channels.params.mqprio.num_tc instead of priv->max_opened_tc.

- mlx5e_get_base_stats accumulates and outputs stats for everything from
priv->channels.params.num_channels to priv->stats_nch, and

I'm not sure num_channels gets set to 0 when device is down so possibly
from "0 if down else ...num_channels" to stats_nch.

Yea, you were right:

if (priv->channels.num == 0)
i = 0;
i = priv->channels.params.num_channels;
for (; i < priv->stats_nch; i++) {

Seems to be working now when I adjust the queue count and the test is
passing as I adjust the queue count up or down. Cool.

I agree that get_base should include all inactive queues stats.
But it's not straight forward to implement.

A few guiding points:

Use mlx5e_get_dcb_num_tc(params) for current num_tc.

txq_ix (within the real_num_tx_queues) is calculated by c->ix + tc * params->num_channels.

The txqsq stats struct is chosen by channel_stats[c->ix]->sq[tc].

It means, in the base stats you should include SQ stats for:
1. all SQs of non-active channels, i.e. ch in [params.num_channels, priv->stats_nch), tc in [0, priv->max_opened_tc).
2. all SQs of non-active TCs in active channels [0, params.num_channels), tc in [mlx5e_get_dcb_num_tc(params), priv->max_opened_tc).

Now I actually see that the patch has issues in mlx5e_get_queue_stats_tx.
You should not loop over all TCs of channel index i.
You must do a reverse mapping from "i" to the pair/tuple [ch_ix, tc], and then access a single TXQ stats by priv->channel_stats[ch_ix].sq[tc].

Adding TCs to the NIC triggers the test to fail, so there's still some bug
in how I'm accumulating stats from the hw TCs.