thoughts wanted on dead code hunting?

From: Dr. David Alan Gilbert
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 08:11:00 EST

I've stumbled into finding various types of dead code in the kernel
and am after peoples thoughts and suggestions.
Apologies if this is a bit long.

It started off after I noticed an unused LIST_HEAD in the parallel
code, so I sent some patches to clean that and related code up
(waiting review!), but then wrote a hacky script to find more
(and then mutex's); and there's a handful of patches removing those
on list (please review!).

But then I noticed associated with those were some unused structs;
so I went struct hunting, and that's where I've got a problem.

That's found me ~200 candidates; where I guess 150ish are probably
real; but my hacky script is, well trivial and hacky, so they each
need eyeballing, then a git lookup to see why they're unused, and a
compile just to make there's not some subtle macro somewhere.

** Questions:
a) Can anyone think of a better tool than my script (see bottom)?
The simplicity is a blessing & a curse - it doesn't know about
#ifdef's so I don't need to try lots of configs, but at the same
time, it can't tell if the struct actually gets used in a macro
and I have to eyeball for a struct which is assigned to as
a variable at declaration time.

b) The dead structs are all over; so they've mostly been individual
patches rather than a big patch series - how do people feel about
another 150ish similar patches ?

** other Thoughts
* The dead code is all over; from incredibly obscure drivers, to
common stuff like ftrace and iscsi.

* Most of them seem to be the remains of previous cleanups or
refactors where someone has removed the function that used
it but forgot to remove the list or struct. Sometimes that happened
prior to the first commit, so it's always been dead in the tree.

* There's a few cases where people have added 'static' to a variable
to cleanup compiler warnings, but actually they just needed to
delete the variable.

* A harder problem is unused structure members; some I've spotted
by accident, some follow from what else I delete; e.g. if you
delete a LIST_HEAD, there's a good chance there's a struct somewhere
with the list entry in it that's no longer used.

* It's not just the kernel; I've just mopped up a few struct's in Mesa
as well; but different coding standards make the script harder in
places; e.g. X uses typedef struct... everywhere so then you have
the problem of hunting the use of the typedef name.

Anyway, that's way too long, all thoughts welcome.
(Reviews, even more welcome, as they get merged I'll work through my list
for a few more).

Scripts below,

(I've cc'd a few people at a guess for people who might suggest tools;
but please copy in anyone else who might)

* hacky script for finding unused LIST_HEAD

(ie print a count of times the name of the list is used in the same file;
if it's 1 it's worth looking at)

ag 'static LIST_HEAD'| sed -e 's/[():]/ /'g |
echo ">>>" $FNAME ' : ' $VARNAME
echo -n "Count: "
grep $VARNAME $FNAME | wc -l

* hacky script for finding unused struct's

(ie print a count of time the name of the struct is used in the same file;
only bother with .c files; doesn't spot assignments to initialise the struct
on later lines, gets confused by struct's with short names etc).

grep -r '^struct [^(=]* {'| tr ':' ' ' |
echo "$FNAME" | grep -q '[.]c$' || continue
echo ">>>" $FNAME ' : ' $NAME
echo -n "Count: "
grep $NAME $FNAME | wc -l

-----Open up your eyes, open up your mind, open up your code -------
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert | Running GNU/Linux | Happy \
\ dave @ | | In Hex /
\ _________________________|_____ |_______/