[PATCH v1 5/7] thermal/debugfs: Compute maximum temperature for mitigation episode as a whole

From: Rafael J. Wysocki
Date: Thu May 09 2024 - 15:18:37 EST

From: Rafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@xxxxxxxxx>

Notice that the maximum temperature above the trip point must be the
same for all of the trip points involved in a given mitigation episode,
so it need not be computerd for each of them separately.

It is sufficient to compute the maximum temperature for the mitigation
episode as a whole and print it accordingly, so do that.

Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/thermal/thermal_debugfs.c | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

Index: linux-pm/drivers/thermal/thermal_debugfs.c
--- linux-pm.orig/drivers/thermal/thermal_debugfs.c
+++ linux-pm/drivers/thermal/thermal_debugfs.c
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ struct cdev_record {
* @timestamp: the trip crossing timestamp
* @duration: total time when the zone temperature was above the trip point
* @count: the number of times the zone temperature was above the trip point
- * @max: maximum recorded temperature above the trip point
* @min: minimum recorded temperature above the trip point
* @avg: average temperature above the trip point
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ struct trip_stats {
ktime_t timestamp;
ktime_t duration;
int count;
- int max;
int min;
int avg;
@@ -115,15 +113,17 @@ struct trip_stats {
* the way up and down if there are multiple trip described in the
* firmware after the lowest temperature trip point.
+ * @node: a list element to be added to the list of tz events
* @timestamp: first trip point crossed the way up
* @duration: total duration of the mitigation episode
- * @node: a list element to be added to the list of tz events
+ * @max_temp: maximum zone temperature during this episode
* @trip_stats: per trip point statistics, flexible array
struct tz_episode {
+ struct list_head node;
ktime_t timestamp;
ktime_t duration;
- struct list_head node;
+ int max_temp;
struct trip_stats trip_stats[];

@@ -557,11 +557,10 @@ static struct tz_episode *thermal_debugf
tze->timestamp = now;
tze->duration = KTIME_MIN;
+ tze->max_temp = THERMAL_TEMP_INVALID;

- for (i = 0; i < tz->num_trips; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < tz->num_trips; i++)
tze->trip_stats[i].min = INT_MAX;
- tze->trip_stats[i].max = INT_MIN;
- }

return tze;
@@ -729,11 +728,13 @@ void thermal_debug_update_trip_stats(str

tze = list_first_entry(&tz_dbg->tz_episodes, struct tz_episode, node);

+ if (tz->temperature > tze->max_temp)
+ tze->max_temp = tz->temperature;
for (i = 0; i < tz_dbg->nr_trips; i++) {
int trip_id = tz_dbg->trips_crossed[i];
struct trip_stats *trip_stats = &tze->trip_stats[trip_id];

- trip_stats->max = max(trip_stats->max, tz->temperature);
trip_stats->min = min(trip_stats->min, tz->temperature);
trip_stats->avg += (tz->temperature - trip_stats->avg) /
@@ -789,10 +790,10 @@ static int tze_seq_show(struct seq_file
c = '=';

- seq_printf(s, ",-Mitigation at %llums, duration%c%llums\n",
- ktime_to_ms(tze->timestamp), c, duration_ms);
+ seq_printf(s, ",-Mitigation at %llums, duration%c%llums, max. temp=%dm°C\n",
+ ktime_to_ms(tze->timestamp), c, duration_ms, tze->max_temp);

- seq_printf(s, "| trip | type | temp(m°C) | hyst(m°C) | duration(ms) | avg(m°C) | min(m°C) | max(m°C) |\n");
+ seq_printf(s, "| trip | type | temp(m°C) | hyst(m°C) | duration(ms) | avg(m°C) | min(m°C) |\n");

for_each_trip_desc(tz, td) {
const struct thermal_trip *trip = &td->trip;
@@ -814,7 +815,7 @@ static int tze_seq_show(struct seq_file
trip_stats = &tze->trip_stats[trip_id];

/* Skip trips without any stats. */
- if (trip_stats->min > trip_stats->max)
+ if (trip_stats->min == INT_MAX)

if (trip->type == THERMAL_TRIP_PASSIVE)
@@ -837,15 +838,14 @@ static int tze_seq_show(struct seq_file
c = ' ';

- seq_printf(s, "| %*d | %*s | %*d | %*d | %c%*lld | %*d | %*d | %*d |\n",
+ seq_printf(s, "| %*d | %*s | %*d | %*d | %c%*lld | %*d | %*d |\n",
4 , trip_id,
8, type,
9, trip->temperature,
9, trip->hysteresis,
c, 11, duration_ms,
9, trip_stats->avg,
- 9, trip_stats->min,
- 9, trip_stats->max);
+ 9, trip_stats->min);

return 0;