Re: [RFC PATCH v8 05/10] cxl/memscrub: Add CXL device patrol scrub control feature
From: Jonathan Cameron
Date: Fri May 10 2024 - 07:25:27 EST
On Thu, 9 May 2024 17:26:46 -0700
Dan Williams <dan.j.williams@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> shiju.jose@ wrote:
> > From: Shiju Jose <shiju.jose@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > CXL spec 3.1 section describes the device patrol scrub control
> > feature. The device patrol scrub proactively locates and makes corrections
> > to errors in regular cycle.
> >
> > Allow specifying the number of hours within which the patrol scrub must be
> > completed, subject to minimum and maximum limits reported by the device.
> > Also allow disabling scrub allowing trade-off error rates against
> > performance.
> >
> > Register with scrub subsystem to provide scrub control attributes to the
> > user.
> >
> > Co-developed-by: Jonathan Cameron <Jonathan.Cameron@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > Signed-off-by: Jonathan Cameron <Jonathan.Cameron@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > Signed-off-by: Shiju Jose <shiju.jose@xxxxxxxxxx>
> [..]
> > diff --git a/drivers/cxl/mem.c b/drivers/cxl/mem.c
> > index 0c79d9ce877c..399e43463626 100644
> > --- a/drivers/cxl/mem.c
> > +++ b/drivers/cxl/mem.c
> > @@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ static int cxl_mem_probe(struct device *dev)
> > if (!cxlds->media_ready)
> > return -EBUSY;
> >
> > + rc = cxl_mem_patrol_scrub_init(cxlmd);
> > + if (rc) {
> > + dev_dbg(&cxlmd->dev, "CXL patrol scrub init failed\n");
> > + return rc;
> > + }
> 2 concerns:
> * Why should cxl_mem_probe() fail just because this optional
> scrub interface did not register?
Flip the dev_dbg to dev_warn() and indeed carry on.
> * Why is this not located in cxl_region_probe()? If the ras2 scrub is an
> HPA-based scrub I think CXL should do the work to interface with the scrub
> interface at the same level. This also provides another in-kernel user
> for all the DPA-to-HPA translation infrastructure that the CXL driver
> contains. Pretty much the only reason the CXL driver needs to exist at
> all is address translation, so at a minimum it seems a waste to inflict
> more need to understand DPAs on userspace.
As you might expect this will get messy - I'm not saying it's a bad thing
to do, but complexities that come to mind include:
* Scrub is device wide (unlike RAS2 which in theory supports HPA range control)
So if you map a given DPA range into multiple regions then the controls
will interfere. Maybe scrub at max rate requested for any region is fine.
* Interleave - so we'd be controlling multiple hardware scrubbers.
* Comes and goes with regions. Do we stop scrubbing if no region? Not sure.
My guess is break down is:
1) Component registered for each CXL mem device to handle the control + combining
of all regions specific requests.
2) Region specific component that exposes the controls on HPA basis, and
requests from all it's CXL mem device drivers a minimum service level.
3) Device specific scrub instance (perhaps) reflecting that some scrub may
make sense when not yet in a region (identify bad mem etc).
So I think we will end up with a lot more layering in here, but end result
will indeed be better.
This has been going on a while, so not sure the DPA to HPA stuff was all in place
and at the time I think was still an open question of whether that should be
a userspace problem or not. Anyhow time to adapt :)