Re: [RFC PATCH v2 3/3] ACPI: extlog: Make print_extlog_rcd() log unconditionally

From: Dan Williams
Date: Fri May 10 2024 - 18:12:50 EST

Fabio M. De Francesco wrote:
> On Friday, May 10, 2024 9:25:56 PM GMT+2 Borislav Petkov wrote:
> > On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 09:00:34PM +0200, Fabio M. De Francesco wrote:
> > > I thought that ELOG and GHES should be modeled consistently. ghes_proc()
> > > prints to the console while ghes_do_proc() also uses ftrace.
> >
> > ghes_proc() calls ghes_do_proc(). I have no clue what you mean here.
> >
> My understanding is that ghes_proc() logs to the console and ghes_do_proc()
> calls the tracers.
> Therefore, GHES at the same time always reports the errors via two different
> means.
> Instead ELOG depends on the check on ras_userspace_consumers() to decide
> whether to call print_extlog_rcd() to print the logs. And if it print to the
> kernel logs, it jumps to "out" and skips the tracers.
> Why is it different with respect to how error reporting is made in GHES?
> I thought that ELOG should be modeled similarly to GHES and so it should print
> to the kernel logs always unconditionally and then it should also use ftrace
> (no goto "out" and skip tracers).
> (1) Is my understanding of logging and tracing in ELOG and GHES correct?
> (2) If it is, does it make sense for ELOG to print to the kernel log,
> unconditionally, and then call the tracers like ghes_proc() + ghes_do_proc()
> do?

I had asked Fabio to take a look at whether it made sense to continue
with the concept of ras_userspace_consumers() especially since it seems
limited to the EXTLOG case.

In general I am finding that between OS Native and Firmware First error
reporting the logging approaches are inconsistent.

As far I can see rasdaemon would not even notice is the "daemon_active"
debugfs file went away [1], and it should be the case that the
tracepoints always fire whether daemon_active is open or not.

So I was expecting this removal to be a conversation starter on the
wider topic of error reporting consistency.
